CLAIRE: The Binaries

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CLAIRE has two binaries: claire and clairetools.

We provide several examples for executing these binaries in the doc/examples subfolder. We briefly explain these examples below.

These binaries can be found in the bin folder after CLAIRE has been built successfully. To learn more about building claire take a look at our quick installation guide (doc/ or our detailed installation guide doc/

Get Help

To learn more about the options available in claire and clairetools add the -help flag:

claire -help
clairetools -help

Input Data

CLAIRE is a software for 3D diffeomorphic image registration. Supported input formats for CLAIRE are images stored as *.nii, *.nii.gz or *.hdr and *.img(.gz). This is the default data format for inputs and outputs generated by CLAIRE.

CLAIRE can also read and write files in the netcdf format (*.nc). The parallel netcdf format allows for parallel IO. The format can be controlled using the -format flag. The default output is *.nii.gz. Notice that netcdf can be written and read in parallel. Therefore, it is recommended for large-scale imaging applications (say, grid sizes of and above 1024x1024x1024). The user needs to compile the netcdf library to use this format. See for additional details.

Simple Examples: claire

Example 01: Synthetic Problem

In we execute CLAIRE for a synthetic test problem of size 32x32x32. We use default settings for our solver:

$bindir/claire -synthetic 0

$bindir is the directory in which the binary is located. The flag -synthetic allows one to select several smooth test problems. To change the problem size simply add the -nx <n1xn2xn3> flag, where <n$i$> represents the problem size in each spatial direction (i.e., -nx 128x128x128 executes CLAIRE with a problem size of 128x128x128.) We recommend executing CLAIRE in parallel for larger problem sizes (see example 2)

Example 02: Synthetic Problem (Parallel Execution)

In we execute CLAIRE for a synthetic test problem of size 128x128x128 in parallel. We use 20 MPI tasks. We use default settings for our solver:

mpirun -np 20 $bindir/claire -synthetic 0 -nx 128

The options used with claire are explained in example 1. The key difference is the instruction mpirun -np 20 infront of the executable. This instructs your compute node to use 20 MPI tasks. CLAIRE will determine the processor layout for you. We recommend executing CLAIRE in parallel. If you use mpiexec replace mpirun -np 20 with mpiexec -n 20.

Example 03: Real Data

In we execute CLAIRE for real medical images (in NIfTI format) of size 128x150x128. We use 20 MPI tasks. The data can be found in the docs/data subdirectory. We use default settings for our solver:

mpirun -np 20 $bindir/claire -mr $datdir/brain01.nii.gz \
                             -mt $datdir/brain02.nii.gz

Important: The images have to be affinely preregistered (i.e., have the same grid size).

$datdir points to the location where the data is located. The -mr flag identifies the image to be used as a reference image (alas, fixed or target image) and the -mt flag identifies the image to be used as a template image (i.e., the image to be registered; alas floating or moving image). The line break (backslash \) is only added for readability.

Example 04: Regularization Parameter Estimation

In we execute CLAIRE to automatically identify an adequate regularization parameter for a given set of images. We use default settings for our solver:

mpirun -np 20 $bindir/claire -mr $datdir/brain01.nii.gz \
                             -mt $datdir/brain02.nii.gz -train binary

Running claire on real image data is explained in example 3. We use a method based on parameter continuation to identify an adequate regularization parameter. The search uses the determinant of the deformation gradient as a “metric”. The user can define a lower bound for the Jacobian via the -jbound <dbl> option (the upper bound is 1/<dbl>). To perform the search specify the -train <type> option. There are two strategies implemented: A simple reduction of the regularization parameter until the bound is hit (use -train reduce) and a binary search (use -train binary). The line break (backslash \) is only added for readability.

Notice that if you compile CLAIRE in single precision only H1-type regularization operators function properly (there are numerical accuracy issues for H2- and H3-type regularization operators in single precision). To use higher order regularization operators, CLAIRE needs to be compiled in double precision (slower).

Example 05: Parameter Continuation

In we show how to execute CLAIRE using a parameter continuation scheme with a target regularization parameter for the velocity. We use default settings for our solver:

mpirun -np 20 $bindir/claire -mr $datdir/brain01.nii.gz \
                             -mt $datdir/brain02.nii.gz \
                             -betacont 7.75e-04

We have observed that a parameter continuation scheme speeds up the rate of convergence of our solver. We recommend using it in practical settings. We show how to estimate an adequate regularization parameter in example 4. The line breaks (backslashes \) are only added for readability.

Example 06: Output Velocities

In we show how to store the computed velocity field on file. We use default settings for our solver:

mpirun -np 20 $bindir/claire -mr $datdir/brain01.nii.gz \
                             -mt $datdir/brain02.nii.gz \
                             -betacont 7.75e-04  -x ./ -velocity

This example is a direct extension of example 4. The only difference is that we added an output. We need to provide an output folder. This is done with the -x <folder> option. We write the output to the current directory (./). The outputs in CLAIRE will have default names. If you prefer to store all files for multiple runs in a single folder, we recommend to use a prefix:

-x /my/output/folder/name/PREFIX_

The -velocity option tells CLAIRE to write out the velocity field. There are multiple other outputs available, most of which can be computed from the velocity field. This can be done using clairetools. To learn more about how to use clairetools continue reading. The line breaks (backslashes \) are only added for readability.

Simple Examples: clairetools

Example 01: Transporting Images

In we show how to transport an image (i.e., e.g., compute the deformed template image after a velocity has been computed using claire.)

mpirun -np 20 $bindir/clairetools -v1 velocity-field-x1.nii.gz       \
                                  -v2 velocity-field-x2.nii.gz       \
                                  -v3 velocity-field-x3.nii.gz       \
                                  -ifile $datdir/brain01.nii.gz      \
                                  -xfile brain01-transported.nii.gz -deformimage

The input are the three components of the computed velocity (-v$i$ velocity-field-x$i$.nii.gz ) and the image to be transported (-ifile $datdir/brain01.nii.gz; $datdir points to the folder the data is located in, i.e., doc/data). The output is the transported brain image (-xfile brain01-transported.nii.gz). The user can add a path as prefix if desired. The command to tell clairetools that we are interested in solving the forward problem (i.e., transporting/deforming an image) is -deformimage. The line breaks (backslashes \) are only added for readability.

Example 02: Computing Jacobians

In we show how to compute the determinant of the deformation gradient (alas Jacobian) from a velocity field that has been computed using claire.

mpirun -np 20 $bindir/clairetools -v1 velocity-field-x1.nii.gz       \
                                  -v2 velocity-field-x2.nii.gz       \
                                  -v3 velocity-field-x3.nii.gz       \
                                  -x ./ -detdefgrad


For reproducabiltiy we have added the NIREP data to one of our repositories. You can find it here: nirep data.